J Lenni Dorner


J Lenni Dorner

J Lenni Dorner

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Horror, Advice & How To

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2016

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    United States

  • Born

    21 August

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J Lenni Dorner is best known for the Existence series. Books One and Two, "Fractions of Existence" and "Proof of Existence," are available on Amazon.
Lumber Of The Kuweakunks is a short story that is available on Smashwords.
The author also has two writer's reference books. "Preparing to Write Settings that Feel Like Characters" and "Writing Book Reviews As An Author: Inspiration To Make It Easier."

Joined the Operation Awesome team in June 2016 as the organizer of the Debut Author Spotlight.
Co-host of the Blogging from A to Z challenge as of 2017.

J competed in DL Hammons' Write Club. The Creative Writing Institute held a writing contest that resulted in J Lenni Dorner being published in "WRONG!: A themed anthology 2014" (Southern Star Publications, December 2014). Winner of the Write Edit Publish Now (WEP) flash fiction "Youthful Frights versus Adult Fears" Halloween challenge 2015 and "Antique Vase" April 2020 challenge. Signum University’s Mythgard Institute held a creative writing contest in 2015 called “Almost an Inkling,” where J Lenni Dorner was the Popular Vote Winner in week 6; the published story appeared in The Soul of Wit. The Operation Awesome Flash Fiction Contest 12 win in April 2016 went to J Lenni Dorner.

When not reading or writing, J enjoys video games (sim, world-building, and RPG especially), funny cats, and watching movies.



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